Saturday, July 26, 2008

the geek speaks

Well, well. It’s been awhile since my last public post.

Things have changed permanently, and after failed attempts of denial despite it being greased with liver-wrecking amounts of beer and liquor accompanied with a mentally unhealthy dose of brash actions and unbridled emotions, I’ve given up trying to revert things to the way they were and decided to live for myself. On the first day of this year my one and only resolution is to make this the best year yet, and I distinctly remember the bitter irony of it all when the first quarter of 2008 turned out to be my worst. Still, looking at the bright side, I could now boast of having had actual insomnia, or having gone on a chain-smoking rampage. I mean, those are PRACTICALLY stepping stones to adulthood.

However, I think that I am finally getting around to fulfilling my 2008 resolution XD. Now, if I could only make my assignments disappear…

Did I mention that I finally grew the balls to stuff my eyes with contact lenses? I’m all talk and no action about ditching the glasses for the past few years, and I probably still would have been if not because of some seriously eager salesperson at an Optical 88 store in Times Square who dumped samples in my lap the moment I inquired about the prices. Before I knew it he was adjusting my glasses, wiping them and replacing the nose pads WHILE poking bits of hydrogel into the eyeballs of a very apprehensive me.

Talk about excellent customer service. I ended up buying RM110 worth of products on the very spot. =.=

But okay lah I’ve grown accustomed to them now despite the occasional irritation. Funny thing is after I start wearing contacts regularly, people kept on commenting on how similar I look to a Yang Zhong Wei who is supposedly some Taiwanese singer. While most people would be flattered to be compared to a celebrity, I am starting to take it as an insult because I find him butt ugly -____-“. And I don’t think I bloody look like him at all!! Would you go and Google image him and see for yourself? How come I always get the crappy lookalikes? I mean, the last time I was compared to a famous person it had to be that nutty Korean guy who went on a killing spree in an American college a few years ago wtf. Why can’t you compare me to Koo Tin Lok? Or Lee Hom. Or Takeshi.

…oh God I am vain.

Oh, and I love being a gym coach because I am paid to do something I enjoy. You know, if it wasn’t because of the filthy riches and the status offered by the engineering profession I would probably give it the finger and become a personal trainer instead. And no, it does not have anything to do with sweating girls in gym clothes (which, COINCIDENTALLY, is in abundance at the class that I teach).

Besides, I just found out one of my female students is a bisexual. o.0 During break we would actually sit in a corner and discreetly check out the girls of the class together, and I swear to God she is even more meticulous than me when it comes to it. Checking out chicks with a chick. I knew there was a higher calling the day I signed up.


~tia~ said...


u damn lucky i in UK. if not long time already i kelatuk yr head...ish

Jiaqi said...

btw, just checked out who this Yang Zhong Wei is. but i think he's not that bad!

thomasting said...

tia : nah. you love me too much to keletuk me

jiaqi : i dunnola..some pics he looks weird. but i definitely do not look like him X(