Monday, October 26, 2009

hello from beyond the cyberspace grave!

Ahem. Now I know I haven't been writing since....June? Oh God, this blog isn't just dead. It has been buried and decomposed and disappeared into the darkest corners of cyberspace, and I shouldn't even bother trying to resuscitate it in the first place.

But I'm bored, and I got an extra hour free (woohoo!) because of the daylight saving time. Having a 25 hour day is awesome, I can tell you, and it couldn't have come at a better time too, at the end of a long week. You might be surprised to know that against all odds of me using this wonderful 25 hour day to sleep/watch porn/go shopping/drink myself silly/complete mindless RPG quests where you have to kill the naughty, naughty wizard holding a (usually big busted) damsel in distress, I have decided to curl in bed with a novel. The Girl With a Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson. If you are looking for something as thrilling as Dan Brown's novels, this is what you are looking for. It is a mystery thriller that is both intelligent and gripping with a really macabre twist, I assure you. Most importantly, will keep you so engrossed that you will forget about the 10 degree temperature nibbling away at your balls. However, please bear in mind that the suggestive book cover has absolutely nothing to do with my impulsive purchase of it.

Oh, and I bought myself a simple little digital camera to take pictures of the beautiful autumn scenery, so there will hopefully be more pictures on this blog. I would LOVE any generous tips and tricks on how to tweak digicam pics into something that would even remotely resemble whatever those £400 DSLRs can spit out. Xinxian, I'm looking at you, that is if you still read this zombie of a blog. You and your ridiculously blue (but beautiful!) skies that could only be created by sliding Photoshop colour panels and other wizardlike whatchamacallits.

Apart from that, nothing much changed in these few months, except that my four years of crunching numbers have come to fruition in the form of a piece of paper that is supposedly an engineering degree (um, whee?), my Masters course still holds me a slave to the education system, and that somehow I have once again landed myself in a fling, one which eventually evolved into a long distance relationship which I have no idea on how to go about with. I need help. Advice. Stat!


fresh said...

hahaha! i'm so honoured :D
well obviously first u gots to have photoshop, duh. then all u have to do is mess around with levels & curves a lil, the occasional saturation, and maybe use smart sharpen if need be for basic tweaking. voila! u can has pretty blue skies. what camera would that be anyway?

Katherine said...

u bought the book because of the front cover didn't u?? don't lie.. =P