Friday, October 10, 2008

the hammie talk that cracks me up

"Good eeeeeeeeeevening! Hungryyyyyy? Are you hungryyyy? [pause] Sunflower seeeeed? Makiiii! Sunflower seeeeeeeeed? Sunflower seeeeed you know?? Mochiiiii? Your favorite sunflower seed~! Cannot pee! AY. CANNOT PEE! MO.CHI! CANNOT! PEE! HERE! Put you in the toilet. Smell your pee? Come, smell your pee? See, pee goes in the pee box! DON'T RUN AWAY! Naughty girl! Don't give you sunflower seed. Makiii~ You want sunflower seed? Good girl. Look at me? Hey, look at me. Look at meeeee~... Why you ignore me. Food? You two want food...? No? Going once? Going twice? Fine. No more food for you. Sleepy so fast!? Sleepy pigs. Okay okay I'll let you sleep. Goodnight~"

I seriously think that keeping pet hamsters is a bad idea, because based upon the observation above, I have come to hypothesise that one's IQ decreases by at least 50 points while engaging in hammie talk.

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